Our youth are the future of this nation, and our future prosperity hinges on the development of the youth as a new generation of leaders, innovators, and patriots. Focus needs to be put on our education system to ensure our students are getting the greatest education available to develop their knowledge, skills, professional character, and future aspirations and goals.
The political indoctrination of our students in public schools must stop. Critical race theory is not an acceptable education system, especially not for our elementary school students. Students should be taught to work together, not to be segregated and divided by race.
School boards need more control over education, not the federal government. This will enable each community to address local education issues without federal dictates. We are completely in favor of all types of school options – public, voucher, charter, parochial, private, and others. Every parent should have the choice to send their children to any school they so choose. We live in the best country in the world, and educational choice should be at the forefront of childhood development.
Our government spending continues to increase with a constant need to raise the debt ceiling to allow politicians to increase the national deficit. Democrats in Washington have spent over $3.5 Trillion in the last two years, causing record inflation and the highest cost of living on every American Household our nation has ever faced. This runaway spending needs to be stopped.
We need to look at ways to cut waste, find more reforms in our national budget, and advocate for a reduction in our spending, not ways to increase it. The more debt we accumulate, the more we are putting on our future generations to deal with. We need to rein in government spending and end the mortgaging of our children and future generations' futures. It’s time we take responsibility and act now to address this issue.
Across our state, Minnesotans are continuing to struggle with the effects of skyrocketing inflation. Democrats in St. Paul and Washington have had complete control over the federal government since President Biden took office, and families across the Second District have seen the effects of reckless government spending and disastrous economic policy firsthand.
In the last four years, Democrats have pushed their failed Build Back Better Agenda costing American taxpayers trillions of dollars while destroying American energy independence and mortgaging our children’s and future generations' future.
It’s time we rein in government spending, get inflation under control, strengthen our supply chain and bring back American energy independence. We achieve this through smart common-sense economic policies and put our families here in Minnesota and across America first.
Hardworking Minnesotans and their families are the backbone of our state’s economy. We’ve talked to small business owners and workers. All of their stories are important, and we will be a tireless advocate for our small businesses and workers in Congress to help set the conditions to allow our businesses and workforce to grow.
America’s principles have allowed our economy to grow and flourish, but lately our economy has become stacked against every American household. Our economy is being divided between the haves and the have-nots, with the government making the choice of who gets to prosper. Economic prosperity is not achieved through endless regulations, over taxation and government spending; it is achieved through allowing individuals to start private businesses, grow their businesses while growing the American workforce, and succeed.
At one point companies loved coming to Minnesota because of our amazing workforce, but now companies are leaving and with them are leaving today's and tomorrow’s jobs. We don’t need to have the lowest tax rates in the country, but we can’t afford to have among the highest. We must provide a powerful pathway to great jobs for all Minnesotans as they come back into the workforce. Let’s encourage Minnesotans to keep investing here!